Tag Archives: Swinger Convention

Episode 56 “That’s some bomb azz SOY”

Welcome back…its been awhile !

Where do we start in describing the shenanigans of Episode 56?   Well for starters, this is NOT our final episode as we had once thought. We have decided to tease your ears for possible another year. We have too many things going on that may or may not lead to major life and LS changes, so we thought we would ride out this wave and share it with you guys.

We start off with our normal nonsense of catching you up to speed on recent travels and events. By contrast, we’ve actually taken a bit of time away from the LS to focus on us. That doenst mean that there wasnt any crazy fun to be had recently.

Anyway… enough of this nonsense, go check this episode out for yourselves !

Episode 51 “Naughty in Nawlins survival guide”

Whassup sexies??……..we are back from the great beyond with another fun filled episode !

The Month of June is quickly approaching and soon Naughty in Nawlins will be takig over the sweltering skyline of the BIG EASY.   We have many new friends and listeners that have reached out saying they will be joining us this year, and have asked us for our tips and advice. So, rather then responding over and over…… we decided to compile our best tips and suggestions to not only “survive” the week, but also thrive on the experience.

So , kick off your shoes, grab a cold drink and a hot lover, and join us for this months episode !

Episode 47 “A Pool Party to Remember”

Episode 47 ” A Pool Party to Remember”

Wow, what can we say about this episode, other than we had a very ODD experience at a pool party,  that left both of us in awe. The events of this party led into some discussions about safety in the LS, as well as the imporatane of not only understanding CONSENT, but also practacing it.

Since we are getting deeper into the “Hot-Husbanding” realm…we chat about how approaching women in different types of relationships can be tricky.

As always, thanks for listening and Flamingl’ing with us !

Episode 14 “My Safeword is Pineapple Snuffaluffagus”

In Episode 14 “My Safewrod is Pineapple Suffaluffagus” we recap some of the swinger adventures and dates we have been on in the last month. We actually had a topic in mind, but realized we had way to much travel to talk about.

We attended a HUGE party that the icandy group (http://www.icandyparties.com) put on at Colettes Club in Austin TX ( https://coletteclubs.com/austin/ ). As always , Icandy goes above and beyond with sexy people and a sexy environment. Be sure and check out their parties near you.

We cover an event we attended at the Purple Peacock Nude Resort here in Texas (https://www.purplepeacockresort.com/) that was hosted by the Swinging Central Texas group (https://swingingcentraltexas.com/ ). This was a super fun party, and we know you’ll enjoy hearing about the “ice party”.

We finished our summer with Guilty Pleasures 2 day hotel takeover pool party (http://guiltypleasureslsclub.com/) . This was our first time at the party, but we were impressed with how big it was in light of recent pandemic issues.

It was a super busy month for us. We cover ALL THIS, plus many more fun and sexy stories. So wont you come Flamingle with us ??

Episode 12 “Body image and Body shaming in the lifestyle”

In Episode 12 ” Body image and Body Shaming in the lifestyle” we discuss our real life experiences that we have seen and been involved in during our adventures.

We talk about some recent dates we have been on at http://www.gasmonkeybarngrill.com as well as http://www.the-lodge.com . Listen in to see how Mrs Flamingo becomes a hero and saves a life !

We catch you up on the latest developments that our sponsor http://www.altplayground.net has made to their website, as well as tease about another big endeavor we will be releasing soon.

We then delve into many concepts and examples of both body image and body shaming. We draw on real life examples from our upbringing that have formed how we see ourselves today. We discuss such topics as fat shaming, body dysmorphia, and penis size.

Get our candid (but honest) takes on these serious issues.

So, are you ready to “Flamingle” with us ??

Episode 5 “Lets Talk Turn-On’s and Turn-Off’s”

In Episode 5 “Lets Talk Turn-On’s and Turn-Off’s” we do just that. We go thru some of the things that are positive and negatives for both Mr and Mrs Flamingo when it comes to what we like, as well as dislike in the bedroom.

We dig deeper into what we like in partners, as well as reveal our secret celebrity crushes.

We finish this episode with a game we encourage newbie to play, that will help them identify what they want from partners, as well as build trust in each other.

We hope you’ll come “Flamingle” with us!

Episode 4 “Closing the Quick Sale” an Interview with Priory Society

In Episode 4, “Closing the Quick Sale” we interview our friends Eros and Isis of the Priory Society during our recent trip to Las Vegas.

During our interview, we talk how to sort, pursue, and close the deal with other couple at large lifestyle takeovers or events. We get some real life coaching from them, as a couple that we were courting was moving at different speeds, and left us hanging.

This is a very in depth interview, and discusses various ideas and techniques for developing a skill set of quickly connecting with potential partners when in a crunch situation.

We hope you will spend some time “Flamingling” with us, and join our conversation!

Episode 3 “Our review of the Erotica Expo Las Vegas”

In this Episode we talk about our recent adventures in Las Vegas, Nevada for the Erotica Swinger Expo, the first annual ASN awards ceremony, and our day of checking out the Adult Video Awards Expo at the Hard Rock Casino.  We talk about the highlights, as well as low points, we encountered at this event.

We interview Mike Ramos from ASN Magazine and get the low-down on the magazine, as well as a behind the scenes look at the award ceremony.