Tag Archives: hotwife

Episode 26 “Are Singles Swingers?” Part 1

In Episode 26 we answer that age old question “Are Singles Swingers?”

Alright…Lets just jump in the fire here. We decided to tackle a topic that we see mentioned somewhere online AT LEAST once a month. In Fact…there is sooooo much to cuss and discuss on this topic, that we will be dividing this into not one, but two back to back episodes.

In this first part, we get a little help from our friends at a recent event, and go thru a handful of interviews, gaining some insight as to what people consider to be “swingers”

We start off with a club owners perspective, and find out what it takes to remain in good standing as a single, as well as what can get you kicked out.

Then we talk with a couple that have both been in the lifestyle as singles, and now dont believe that singles are always a good asset to the LS.

We chat with a unicorn who justifies why she feels she is part of swinging, and spills the beans on some unicorn actions that can bring down the unicorn species.

We have a candid conversation with a couple that prefers both single males and females, but also brings up good points of bad characteristics on both sides.

Lastly we chat with a well vetted and respected area blue fish (or single male), and he gives some tips that he tries to follow when respectfully courting the female half of a couple.

All these well spoken points of view make good arguments to the topic at hand, and will make our job of debating this issue much more difficult in Part 2 of this episode !

Episode 24 “So are we gonna play, or not?”

In Episode 24 “So are we gonna play, or not ?” we mix things up a bit, and answer a few questions that listeners have run past us .

Before we answer these questions we catch you up with out travel, as well as our killer 4th of July weekend at the lake with friends.  Things then take an edgy turn, as we cautiously delve into some marital tensions we have been working thru. Hey, we are human…..it happens with all of us.

Now on to the questions.

The question we seem to get MOST OFTEN, especially from those new to the lifestyle, is how do they turn down unwanted propositions. Hey, we ALL have probably had to do that, at least once. Listen to our tips and see if they match your style.

Next, a common concern is how to take things from conversation, to the bedroom. Our tips here may not be everyones cup of tea…but it fits how we operate. This is something we have had to focus on in the last few years. We offer our insight on how to go after what you want in different environments. Who knows…maybe some of these will work for you.

So, spend a little time with us, and let us know what you think !

Episode 15 – Single Male Roles in the Lifestyle

In Episode 15, “Single Male Roles in the Lifestyle” we field a listeners question, and play off of some real life scenarios we have encountered recently .

We start off by about some exciting new happening with our sponsor http://www.altplayground.net that is going to be big for our show. We talk a little bit about what is new with our Giveaway contest with our merchandise store http://www.fullswapshop.com too !

Getting into the topic, we openly discuss our views on exactly what we think a single male in the lifestyle needs to know. While singles males often get a bad rap. we break down what we think it means to be a “solid” single male, as well as go thru some VERY bad examples we have come in contact with.

On the topic of how the single males are treated, we delve a little bit into the inequality of how guys are shown a different set of standards than women, as well as how “married” men can end up being more disrespectful and aggressive than single guys.

Our opinions here may hit home with some, and at the same rub others wrong. But we assure you that you will come away with some new ideas.

So, wont you come “Flamingle” with us ??


Episode 12 “Body image and Body shaming in the lifestyle”

In Episode 12 ” Body image and Body Shaming in the lifestyle” we discuss our real life experiences that we have seen and been involved in during our adventures.

We talk about some recent dates we have been on at http://www.gasmonkeybarngrill.com as well as http://www.the-lodge.com . Listen in to see how Mrs Flamingo becomes a hero and saves a life !

We catch you up on the latest developments that our sponsor http://www.altplayground.net has made to their website, as well as tease about another big endeavor we will be releasing soon.

We then delve into many concepts and examples of both body image and body shaming. We draw on real life examples from our upbringing that have formed how we see ourselves today. We discuss such topics as fat shaming, body dysmorphia, and penis size.

Get our candid (but honest) takes on these serious issues.

So, are you ready to “Flamingle” with us ??

Episode 11 “Halfway Bi?” or the Expectancy of Bi women in the lifestyle

In Episode 11, we discuss the “Expectancy” of Bi-women in the lifestyle.

We start off with some banter on Mrs Flamingos recent “bi attractions” and get a little insight as to the types of women she seems to be drawn to. Of course we put her on the spot to rattle off 3 celebrities that she has a crush on….and her answers were shockingly (!) all over he place.

We then draw on real life situations we have been in, from being overlooked on swinger sites for marking her “straight” on profiles, to her occasional play with the female half of a couple, to even having husbands try to push their wives (sometimes unwillingly) into sex with another female.

Again, we hope you will come “Flamingle” with us on this sexy half episode.

Episode 9, “Summer loving…..had me a blast! “

In Episode 9 ” Summer loving…had me a blast!”  we talk about our swinger summer road trip! We talk about our crazy, 10 day, 4 state swinger road trip. We start our adventure  by joining the Debauchery Group of Kansas City for their annual river float trip in lower Missouri. This event included a fun and sexy hotel takeover with lots of sexy new friends!http://www.swingingflamingos.com/photos/

We then venture to Oklahoma City for The Club OKC’s pool party. This is a week long BLOWOUT party of epic proportions. We have been attending this party for over a decade, and have never left the event unsatisfied! https://www.theclubinokc.com/

Lastly, have you wondered what we are REALLY like in the bedroom? Well if so, then hang on, because for the first time we get down and dirty what goes on behind out closed doors!https://www.altplayground.net/

So……won’t you come “Flamingle” with us !

Episode 5 “Lets Talk Turn-On’s and Turn-Off’s”

In Episode 5 “Lets Talk Turn-On’s and Turn-Off’s” we do just that. We go thru some of the things that are positive and negatives for both Mr and Mrs Flamingo when it comes to what we like, as well as dislike in the bedroom.

We dig deeper into what we like in partners, as well as reveal our secret celebrity crushes.

We finish this episode with a game we encourage newbie to play, that will help them identify what they want from partners, as well as build trust in each other.

We hope you’ll come “Flamingle” with us!

Episode 4 “Closing the Quick Sale” an Interview with Priory Society

In Episode 4, “Closing the Quick Sale” we interview our friends Eros and Isis of the Priory Society during our recent trip to Las Vegas.

During our interview, we talk how to sort, pursue, and close the deal with other couple at large lifestyle takeovers or events. We get some real life coaching from them, as a couple that we were courting was moving at different speeds, and left us hanging.

This is a very in depth interview, and discusses various ideas and techniques for developing a skill set of quickly connecting with potential partners when in a crunch situation.

We hope you will spend some time “Flamingling” with us, and join our conversation!